Sunday, 9 September 2007

on Paperwork, To-Do lists and the American Ambassador

I intended to wake up early this morning because I have come to realise that sundays are my most productive days. So I woke up at twelve, had brunch with my friends, and sat down behind my macbook to gather some information pertaining to the plethora of different application procedures. Thus far, I have had a look at the Oxford and Cambridge graduate procedures, Yale, Harvard and Stanford Law and Berkeley PoliSci. The ensuing conclusion: I am lost. It is just way too much for one single person to ever, and I mean ever, put together such a vast amount of information within such a limited period of time. On top of that, I'm a student, I'm busy with loads of things. No seriously, swamped! Sometimes I even have to get up at eleven for class. I do not know how 'they' expect us to get anything done in the meantime.
Anyway, I think the best way to go about this is to make simple to-do lists spanning a few days time. Although I pride myself on being a very anti-to-do-list person in general, perhaps a little structure won't harm. Before wednesday, I want to a) convince that windbag of a dean that he needs to write me a letter of recommendation because I have introduced him to more influential people that he could have dreamed of, and it is time to return the favour; b) think of a theme for my personal statement and c) borrow a humongous - which incidentally is one of my favourite words - whiteboard. I know, it is not that challenging for a two-day itinerary, but I have to start somewhere.

In the afternoon my parents dropped by to deliver some left over mail. Incidentally, this 'left over mail' happened to be an invitation from the American Embassy to a reception in honour of this year's Fulbright Scholars. Lucky me. However, given that I'll be in London for the LSAT around that time, I will have to forgo what is likely to be a fancy 7-course dinner with the ambassador and his wife, concluded by a lovely game of 'leaders of the world' with some of his Charge D'Affairs whilst enjoying a cigar and some brandy. No really, I do not mind sleeping in some rat-infested youth hostel. I enjoy peas and lukewarm beer, especially if the beef is a little mad. Anyway, I shouldn't complain, I choose to do all of this. There'll be enough of that when I receive my rejection letters.

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