Monday, 10 September 2007

on Letters or recommendation, Logic Tests and Blondes

The Dutch are not known for their exuberance; we pride ourselves on being a modest, down to earth folk. Essentially, this means that Dutch professors are the worst when it comes to writing letters of recommendation. It is already a cold day in hell when a grade above 8/10 is awarded, but actually writing something remotely positive about a student is just nicht im frage. 
How does one overcome such restrictions? Provide them with guidelines, and risk coming across as too confident and perhaps a little commanding? Just hope for the best? Get on your knees and take it like a man? Im still in the process of figuring that out. On that note, I asked 'that windbag of a dean' to write me a letter and he accepted. Woohoo! Ill just have to see what I end up with.
Moreover, but really not more importantly, I found my LSAT logic tests book; left it in dining hell two weeks ago and never really bothered to check where it was. After browsing the pages for a few minutes I am left in a bit of a state. This goes way beyond if 'train a leaves station one at 11 am', and the likes. I guess ill just have to make time for some studying soon, college is apparently getting to me after all.
However, not tonight. Tonight I am having a cute girl over. Well, to be honest, I am having her over, while she is just going for a quick drink with a good friend. What can I say, she reminds me of California. If only I had a television so we could watch something on my chaise longue - which is just a pretentious word for couch - instead of talk all evening. Nevertheless, with this kind of weather it is bound to be at least somewhat romantic eh? I miss the days of 80 degrees with an ocean breeze. 
Anyway, I have come to the conclusion that my writing is too boring - which in itself is another one of those boring statements. I'll work on that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.