Tuesday, 25 September 2007

on London

Im off to london, LSATS and gradschools. Wish me luck

Sunday, 23 September 2007

on Me, finally

Ok this is where it finally becomes interesting. Away with the pretentious crap and superficial distraction. Today I finally started to come to terms with the thought that I am continually exhibiting major self-destructive behaviour and it's gotta stop. I went to my parents today and told them I am not doing well, that the stress is too much, I do not know where to start and that I don't want to talk about it. Oh and that I'm 1500$ in debt. 
Being the great parents that they are, they did not shout or cry, which I kind of expected, but agreed to pay off the whole thing if I got myself some psychiatric help. Woohoo!
In light of this let me finally introduce myself. I'm a manic-depressive, manipulative, sometimes compulsive thinker. University bores me and the lectures are not challenging at all. I hate happy people, can't stand most music, and really really really detest people who think they need to be themselves. I hate a lot of things. What I like is showing off, to make the people around me feel dumb and inadequate. Even when I try not to I do it subconsciously. I enjoy winning, and the sight of someone else loosing. I enjoy being an aristocrat, if only in my own mind.
My best friends are just as hautain as I am. One of them is continually pulling internships out of every corner, lets call him A. He's the casual smart I need to show everyone that I do know everything type. I love to spar with him when it comes to omniscience. My second best friend is royalty, in his own mind. He has style, taste, is a great speaker and knows how to treat labour-class people, let's call him B. My third friend is one of my most recent friends. He's on a power trip these days after winning a local election, probably new to being popular, and most likely so far in the closet he's finding christmas gifts. I think our friendship will end as fast as it started, but while it lasts let's call him C. My last friend, D is the only true friend I have outside of the university gates. It is kind of pathetic. He's stood by me for the last 18 years, and again, is as pretentious and well dressed as any of my friends. He knows how to appreciate life's finer tastes, and has been earning more money since his 15th than most people do in their 40's.
They are my four horsemen of the apocalypse. I confide in them, smoke cigars with them and discuss philosophy with them. Only A and C really know each other, because I don't like it when my good friends mingle.
My parents have money, but not enough for my tastes. I went to private school, played tennis and waterpolo, flown first class... the usual. Yes, it does make a bad person. However my parents do not get me, they think I look down upon them, which I probably do. 
I analyse myself a lot, especially when no-one is around I like to retrace my steps in life. One of the conclusions I have arrived at is that everything I touch somehow goes through the steps of life at a faster pace. Projects I am involved with blossom instantly, but tend to die soon after. Same with friendships. This makes people think I am more useful than I actually am. 
Well, enough about me for now. It's time for dinner

Friday, 21 September 2007

on Drinks, Dranks and Drunks

The lack of posts clearly indicate my lack of time in general, 24hrs a day are not enough, especially if you want to catch some sleep somewhere in between. I cannot even properly remember what I have been up to (except avoiding people I owe money, my research supervisor, dental hygiene and my bed). 
On monday I prepared for my french test, which I had incidentally forgotten about the weekend before. Sneaky bastard that I am, I wrote a text beforehand and just memorised it. I know, will I ever learn. Shit it. Had to celebrate my victory over the system. got drunk early.
On tuesday I met with a former minster of defense. Interesting chap, not too outspoken though. The debate we had set up went very well. Again celebration: drunk!
On wednesday, the General Assembly of our student association was held. We brought wine to pass the time, and luckily my budget proposal went through: celebrations ensued, and I got horribly drunk in the bar.
On thursday we held a california reunion beer pong tournament... need I say more?

Well, tonight I have just opened my LSAT - that i have to take next saturday - books. Ok I answered all the questions right, but in three times the alloted time. I'm really screwed. Good friend is leaving for cambridge tomorrow, and he's hosting a little.... celebration tonight. I really shouldn't go, but because I'm always swamped a lot of my friends feel I neglect them. So what can I do but get drunk again. Seriously, I can just as well cancel my gym membership. It's worthless when you're working on a beer belly like its your job.

Monday, 17 September 2007

on Dealing with the devil, Observation and Facebook,

I wonder why people are so naive. For some reason, they always belief I'd double-cross anyone but them, that I can help them get what they want while they still remain in control, that they are the exception. I really do not get it. I cannot imagine that I, in any way, come across as either trustworthy or reliable, but somehow I apparently do. 
There is this friend I Karl-Roved last summer, one of my greater accomplishments in life. As a form of what I presume to be childish rebellion - or good old values - he completely forgot who put him there in the first place.  I must admit that I was kind of put down at first, but of course, being me, I found new cunning ways to get around that. As far as I know he thinks he taught me a lesson of some sort and is now back in the driving seat. Incidentally, he also came up to me yesterday to gloat about a plan he was going to support - or thought of himself, I am not quite sure - for which I had planted the seeds about a week earlier. I'm fine with going about my business in the shades, but really, you're just fooling yourself. Yes, you are allowed to conclude I am an arrogant prick.

Prague was excellent. I think it is the best undiscovered city in Europe, second to London only - which is sadly, already completely mapped. The scenery was grand, but the group dynamics were even more interesting. After observing people for a while their intentions in dealing with each other become clearer and clearer. Which is funny, because half of the time they do not even realise this. One of my friends really tried to fit in, and another one really tried to bond. They both did the same: copy each others vernacular. After a while it got really disgusting to the point of being cute. All in all, we drank, drank, partied, culture-vultured and I'm already waiting for the moment I will only remember the good parts.

Luckily, if I were to ever forget how horribly drunk I was when I decided I need to grab a girl and a guy to keep me warm, I can always go online an look it up on facebook. Or perhaps, if I ever were to wonder what I looked like when I was drunk on 8-19-2006, 3-6-2007, 7-21-3005 or any other day of the week for the past two years, I need only search. Really, what is the point of having a database full of pictures when the only topic is drunken hedonism - and the incidental pretentious 'look what third world country I visited' holiday pictures. I think no one yet realises that it is all a corporate scam aimed at depriving all of us college grads from a decent job. How could I ever be so foolish to trust a Harvard grad. What did I say again in the beginning? Apparently, I am just as sheepish as the rest

Thursday, 13 September 2007

on What kind of horrible person I am, Prague and Twins

There is this fresher that was invited to have a drink at my fraternity's by some drunken alum a few weeks ago. We call him Coen Boombox, a nickname I gave him because he told us he likes to breakdance and walk around with his stereo. Of course, being the upper-class prick that I enjoy so much, I pretended to understand while laughing under my breath. Today I joined one of my fratfriends in some harmless banter when he started asking me about my favourite rapper when we were standing in line right in front of poor Coen Boombox.
Because of my self destructive tendencies of late, I have decided I need a break this weekend. Therefore, I'm joining my friends in a little trip to prague tomorrow. We're leaving in the afternoon, and will probably be on the road for 8 hours, then party for 4, sleep for about the same, and party some more. I really do not know where I'll find the time though. I hoped I would be able / allowed to go to bed early - meaning before 2 - but as usual I failed horribly at making that happen. We are still enjoying the company of all the new first years and I have definitely noticed a lot of potential. I have not decided what I am actually looking for in new members though. Was also a nice chance to talk to some of the Alumni. I hardly ever get to see them because I'm not really A-crowd. Well anyway, I made some arrangements to meet up with one of them when I am in Cambridge. Apparently he just bought a new double bed, so there'll be enough room for me (and if I really want I am also allowed to sleep on the floor). It'll be fun though, meeting up with the guys abroad always is. 

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

on Toothbrushes, Meetings and a Healthy life

I woke up at two this morning. I really would have liked to stay in for a few more hours, given the night I had had, but a rather strange nightmare forced me to start the day early. Dr. Freud explain me this: what does it mean when you dream your former principal is chasing you and searching through your house because you have stolen a black toothbrush of significant value. The depths of my own disturbance marvels me sometimes. I guess the fact that I have not been to the dentist for over a century probably plays a role. My desire for expensive goods might be part of it. But really, a former principal?
Anyway, when I finally got up I went to the PoliticsCo - for people that actually read this blog, it is the organisation I chair that invites lecturers - meeting, which for some unknown reason pushed some wrong buttons. I got horribly annoyed by the way the meeting was run, and I think that above all, confusion reigned the day. It is most likely all going to be fine, but I have just been enjoying a streak of bad moods recently. The combination of applying for universities, 5 courses and my social life is just not really working out
After finishing the last episode of Greek, which I will discuss at some other time when I am feeling more prosaic, I went to the supermarket to get something that is not overcooked and raw at the same time. I ended up, as always, spending a small fortune on products that have the words 'healthy' and 'get in shape' plastered all over them. I know I am weak, but I really cannot resist the temptation. Therefore, tomorrow, I will have my first healthy day in weeks. I'm going to go to bed early, wake up in time for class, have a healthy breakfast with freshly squeezed orange juice and perhaps pancakes, and go to the gym. I've come to realise just now I am actually turning into a rather boring person. On that, it is 10:39, good night

To-do list
do practice LSAT
write first paragraph personal statement
write boomerang article

Monday, 10 September 2007

on Letters or recommendation, Logic Tests and Blondes

The Dutch are not known for their exuberance; we pride ourselves on being a modest, down to earth folk. Essentially, this means that Dutch professors are the worst when it comes to writing letters of recommendation. It is already a cold day in hell when a grade above 8/10 is awarded, but actually writing something remotely positive about a student is just nicht im frage. 
How does one overcome such restrictions? Provide them with guidelines, and risk coming across as too confident and perhaps a little commanding? Just hope for the best? Get on your knees and take it like a man? Im still in the process of figuring that out. On that note, I asked 'that windbag of a dean' to write me a letter and he accepted. Woohoo! Ill just have to see what I end up with.
Moreover, but really not more importantly, I found my LSAT logic tests book; left it in dining hell two weeks ago and never really bothered to check where it was. After browsing the pages for a few minutes I am left in a bit of a state. This goes way beyond if 'train a leaves station one at 11 am', and the likes. I guess ill just have to make time for some studying soon, college is apparently getting to me after all.
However, not tonight. Tonight I am having a cute girl over. Well, to be honest, I am having her over, while she is just going for a quick drink with a good friend. What can I say, she reminds me of California. If only I had a television so we could watch something on my chaise longue - which is just a pretentious word for couch - instead of talk all evening. Nevertheless, with this kind of weather it is bound to be at least somewhat romantic eh? I miss the days of 80 degrees with an ocean breeze. 
Anyway, I have come to the conclusion that my writing is too boring - which in itself is another one of those boring statements. I'll work on that.

Sunday, 9 September 2007

on Paperwork, To-Do lists and the American Ambassador

I intended to wake up early this morning because I have come to realise that sundays are my most productive days. So I woke up at twelve, had brunch with my friends, and sat down behind my macbook to gather some information pertaining to the plethora of different application procedures. Thus far, I have had a look at the Oxford and Cambridge graduate procedures, Yale, Harvard and Stanford Law and Berkeley PoliSci. The ensuing conclusion: I am lost. It is just way too much for one single person to ever, and I mean ever, put together such a vast amount of information within such a limited period of time. On top of that, I'm a student, I'm busy with loads of things. No seriously, swamped! Sometimes I even have to get up at eleven for class. I do not know how 'they' expect us to get anything done in the meantime.
Anyway, I think the best way to go about this is to make simple to-do lists spanning a few days time. Although I pride myself on being a very anti-to-do-list person in general, perhaps a little structure won't harm. Before wednesday, I want to a) convince that windbag of a dean that he needs to write me a letter of recommendation because I have introduced him to more influential people that he could have dreamed of, and it is time to return the favour; b) think of a theme for my personal statement and c) borrow a humongous - which incidentally is one of my favourite words - whiteboard. I know, it is not that challenging for a two-day itinerary, but I have to start somewhere.

In the afternoon my parents dropped by to deliver some left over mail. Incidentally, this 'left over mail' happened to be an invitation from the American Embassy to a reception in honour of this year's Fulbright Scholars. Lucky me. However, given that I'll be in London for the LSAT around that time, I will have to forgo what is likely to be a fancy 7-course dinner with the ambassador and his wife, concluded by a lovely game of 'leaders of the world' with some of his Charge D'Affairs whilst enjoying a cigar and some brandy. No really, I do not mind sleeping in some rat-infested youth hostel. I enjoy peas and lukewarm beer, especially if the beef is a little mad. Anyway, I shouldn't complain, I choose to do all of this. There'll be enough of that when I receive my rejection letters.

Saturday, 8 September 2007

538 Square Feet

My student room is about 50 square meters, or 538 square feet; it really is more like an apartment than anything else. I like to think it compensates for the lack of space I have left in my mind. For two years, I was convinced I was on the right track. My social and academic lives blossomed, my grades were good, my friends were better. I challenged, competed, participated and passed-out on open fields after nights of drunken debauchery. I travelled, stayed, and sometimes strayed, I have seen the old world and the new, I have written, I've read, I've watched, I've led, followed, talked, listened, smelled and touched. I've read Latin, Greek, French, German, Dutch, English and even languages I don't understand. I've tried maturity and realised nothing compares to childish ignorance. I've pretended to be everything I could think of and finally ended up with myself. And here I am. Starting my last year of college, pretentious, but at the same time so woefully ignorant. Confident, but scared like a little boy. I want to do great things, but where to start? As a graduating senior, I am faced with one of life's more interesting paradoxes. I do not want to join any club that actually wants me as a member. Oxford, Yale, Cambridge, Harvard... Could I ever? Would they ever? 
This blog will hopefully be rather like my room. A place that allows me to breathe a little, and catch up with my own thoughts.  Blogging has perhaps become a new form of meditation. So please feel welcome in my Buddhist Temple, and do not forget to take of your shoes.